Other Practice Areas

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other practice areas

Life is filled with challenges and opportunities that come in many forms. It’s important to have an attorney you trust who you can turn to no matter what life throws your way. Our office can advocate for your interests, provide sound legal advice, and do it all cost-effectively. Regardless of your legal issue, having an experienced attorney at your side can make all the difference. We will be with you through all stages of the proceedings, advising you along the way to ensure your best interests are being met and working to lessen the impact the charge will have on your future.

Below are some other areas of the law practiced by our firm, such as:

i. Personal Injury. One can suffer a personal injury as a result of the intentional or negligent actions of another, including drivers, business owners, and healthcare providers. Because the legal system is so complex, far too often an injured person fails to understand their rights and entitlement to compensation, including damages for medical bills, lost wages, pain-and-suffering, and others. Our law firm has years of experience obtaining compensation for those seriously injured by the conduct of others. We are prepared and eager to advance your interests both in and out of court, and we are committed to achieving the monetary compensation to which you are entitled in the most cost-effective manner possible.

ii. Contracts & Business Litigation. Our office has experience litigating contracts and business cases, both for plaintiffs and defendants, and we routinely counsel individuals and small businesses on a number of issues. If you are having a dispute over matters you believe were part of an oral or written contract, you should know the law protects individuals and entities against unfair and wrongful breaches of contracts. Our office can inform you of your rights and will work to protect them. We also represent the interests of businesses large and small on a variety of issues.

For more information please call (919) 754-1600 or email us.